Before I share regarding those individuals on Red Light Center who I view as friends. all me to say that in real life I do not have many friends. I never have. Being a crossdresser, I have always valued my alone time that I could spend as Veronica over spending times with friends. Part of this is for self-protection. I did not want people to get to close for fear they would learn my secret. While I have a few friends in real life at this time, I am basically a lonely person who craves a life different from the one I am living. I long to be living life as a woman, spending my hours as a woman, interacting with others as a woman, being seen by men as a woman and making friendships with other women. On Red Light Center I am a woman.
Below are some of the friends I have made. While calling these people ‘friends’ may be a stretch as I really do not know any of them other that through the game. However, I value the time I spend with them and look forward to seeing each of them when I am on the game. As a curiosity to them, I have elected to change their names for the purposes of this post. In most cases their screen names are not real names, but that does not necessarily mean they are not deserving of this courtesy.
Nancy — I met Nancy shortly after I got on the game when I was still a basic. I was in a mall store that sold lingerie and she was also shopping there. I was still listed on my profile as a transgender woman at the time. Nancy invited me to her zaby (home) and we sat by her backyard campfire and talked for about an hour or so. We have been BFF now for fifteen months. After I went VIP and decided to go female on my profile, she agreed to keep my secret and to the best of my knowledge she has. We made a promise to each other early on that we would never have sex and with the exceptions of four threesomes we have had with men have stayed true to that vow. We placed friendship over sex and it has worked for us.
Jackie — Jackie and I were both basic and transgender when we first met. (Basics have not yet upgrades to VIP membership and can not yet have sex.) She went VIP before I did and when I went VIP she was one of the first people on the game with who I had sex. We could have gotten serious I feel but I was not looking for serious. When I went female on my profile and changed my avi skin to that of a female instead of a shemale, I ended my sexual relationship with Jackie, but not our friendship. In mid January she is getting married on the game and has asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. Like Nancy, Jackie has kept my secret. For all practical purpose, these two women are the only two who know I am not truly female as my profile says and both have been true friends and kept my secret.
Greg — I was dancing as a regular performer at a strip club when I first met Greg. He was one of the regular patron. Greg was one of the first to listen to my ‘story.’ On the game, I am known as the mother of two boys and the wife of a minister. Greg and I often found ourselves the only two in the club and would occasionally just sit down and talk. He liked me. He liked me a lot, but we never had sex. Nancy came to work at the same club, Greg and Nancy connected and were soon dating. They started some businesses together and then one day announced they were getting married. I served as the maid of honor for Nancy.
Wendy — Wendy was a co-manager of the strip club where Nancy and I worked. One day she took exception to me and booted me out of the club. The owner of the club decided it was best if I not come back to the club so I was banned. It was a valuable lesson for me as I was truly hurt by the experience. Not just hurt as a player on the game, but as a real person in real life. Going forward I decided I would always strive to play this ‘game’ with the real people and not with the avis. Wendy and I would cross paths again and she apologized for what happened. Not once. Not twice. But like four different times. She felt bad about it and we became friends. A few months ago the person who was Wendy died from heart failure in the real world. I miss her but I so happy we had a chance to be friends after the ugliest that initially transpired between us.
Joey — I was on the auction block at a club one night when Joey made a bid on me. It was an opening bid and as the auction was a joke, the only bid. He bought me but I ended up returning his bid telling him I knew he did it more out of pity than interest. As it turned out I may have been wrong. I began to sense he had a thing for me and ultimately I broke one of my game rules and started dating Joey. We went out on three dates, one of which was sitting in his zaby (home) watching a movie. His interest in me grew and I came to feel he wanted to much of my time so I brought the relationship to a halt. He claimed to be devasted but within two weeks he was seeing another girl on the game and soon there after they were engaged. Joey and his wife are now two good friends of mine on the game and I attended their wedding.
Bev and Cheryl — These two ladies are both transitioning transgender women. They work at the same club and they are good friends. I also count them as friend. Cheryl is having some tough times in the real world financially and Bev has just relocated cross country from her long time home in the Pacific Northwest. Once Bev is fully settled in her new home, she has invited Cheryl to be her roomie. There is a possibility that Nancy may also move into the home. Three people who met on the game and did not know each other a few months ago could all become roommates. No doubt should I ever find myself in their neck of the woods I will stop in and visit.
Ned — One of my primary sources of revenue on the game is doing deco for private zaby. Shortly after I meet Ned he learned that I did deco and asked me to do his home. I was just getting started in the business so it was a gamble for him but he seemed pleased with the home I did for him. He know owns about fifty zaby that he has won in raffles on the game and yet tells me that the home I built for him is still his ‘home.’ We have been friends now for about a year and he is about the only guy on the game that I have sex with anymore and do so for free. I guess one could say we are ‘friends with benefits.’ Unlike Joey he accepts the sex as nothing more than sex and when we get together as friends is content if it does not lead to sex.
I could continue but these eight players on the game come closest to being both friends I have on the game that I am also sure would be friends if we met in the real world. I am not really a female and yet with exception of Nancy and Jackie all of these people know me to be a ‘woman’ in real life. That I am not does not negate our friendships. Even on the game there is a honesty about ourselves that comes out that has nothing to do with our gender and all about who we are as individuals.